WCN has a vibrant children’s ministry led by a team who deeply cares about the holistic development of each child in our ministry. Our children’s ministry is broken down into three different age levels to best meet the needs of the kids. Discovery Kids (1st-5th grade), Littles (4s-Kindergarten), and Tinies (birth-3).

Ages: Birth through 5th grade

Purpose: The purpose of Discovery Kids is to help children discover a relationship with Jesus Christ, live a life of discipleship, to equip and support the family as the foundation for spiritual growth. Children will Belong, Believe, and Become through weekly worship services, small groups, service projects, and family fellowship events. We believe strongly in ministering with kids. We are not ministering to your child but coming alongside them and serving God with them. Each member of our team has a heart for God and desires to see the next generation love and follow Him.

Discovery Kids and Littles use a computerized check-in system to make sure that your child(ren) remains safe during dismissal. During your first visit to WCN, you will be asked to register your child. Please share any allergies or other special needs that your child may have during registration.
Discovery Tinies should be signed in and out during every service on the check-in sheet. The parent who signs the child in should be the parent who signs the child out. During your first visit, you will be given a packet of paperwork to help our team provide the right care for your infant and toddler. Please share any allergies, special needs, and/or feeding schedules during registration.


Weekly Schedule:

Engage Groups 10am: Children grow in their faith through small group discussions and activities. One group is provided for Littles (4 years – Kindergarten), and one group is provided for Big Kids (1st – 5th grade). 

Worship 8:30am and 11 am: Kids discover who God is through worship. Worship is engaging, age appropriate, missional, meaningful, and fun.

Diving Deeper 6pm: Children dive deeper into the message they heard Sunday morning through games and hands-on activities.
Immerse Groups 6:30pm: Children 4 years-5th grade worship together then split into discovery groups. Kids will experience the Bible point through hands-on activities and games. They will connect what they learn to their lives.
*Nursery care for the Tinies is provided during every service in the basement level of the main building.


Special Events: In addition to weekly services, we have special events throughout the year.

Summer events (VBS-style)
Summer Camps
Easter Egg Hunt
Intergenerational Service Projects
Family Movie Nights
Family Game Night
Park Days
Nursing Home visits
Christmas Events
Location: All of the children’s worship and activities occur in the basement level of the main building.
Safety and Training:
The safety of our children is a top priority for us. Each one of our team members are required to complete safety training and have completed a background screening. An individual trained in CPR/First Aid is always available during service times. The leaders also receive training throughout the year to help them best meet the needs of our children and to help them teach the children how to be more like Jesus.
Discovery Kids Staff and Leaders:
Children’s Ministry Director: Kelsey Elliott
Executive Pastor: Mary Forester
Tinies Director: Delilah King
Littles Ministry Director: Rachel Reynen
Engage Group Leaders:
Tinies: Delilah King & Sydney Ross
Littles: Rachel Reynen & Charles Davidson
1st – 3rd graders: Pastor Kelsey & Alisha Jackson
4th – 5th graders: Karl Reynen & Eugene Cavness
Discovery Kids also have many who serve on a rotational basis throughout the year. They routinely give of themselves to our children. We could not serve our families in the ways that we do without them.
We are excited to be able to love and serve your family!
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Kelsey Elliott